Thursday, May 27, 2010

A new direction

This week was great! We had conference this week and it helped me out so much. Before conference started I was just a little put-out that I didn't know why I wasn't baptizing in this area. In my mind I had done everything to help the work progress, but during conference I was humbled. Everyday I pray to do the Lord's will in my area, but I realized during conference I wasn't doing His will. The Lord didn't send me to Tibiri to baptize a lot of people, but to strengthen the ward and the members. When I was called to work in Tibiri, President Fernandez told me that my purpose there was to help the members get excited about the work. Since I arrived there I just tried to baptize, baptize, baptize. During the conference I felt the impression many times that right now wasn't my time to baptize, but to help out the ward. After receiving these impressions my companion and I decided to change how we were working .Now we are working more with less active members and recent converts. Things are definitely doing better and I know that the Lord will bless our efforts here in Tibiri. Até próximo semana!Love, sister wood

"Endure to the end"

Well this week was...good for my spiritual growth. In reality I spent many nights crying and praying and just asking for the strength to get through the next day. This area is trying to kill me, but it won't suceed. I know I'm here for a purpose and I think I will remain here for some time. Things will get better, it just is difficult at times to work with everything you have and no see the results. I worked in the torrential rain, I worked in the burning sun, I worked with the hundreds (literally) of mosquito bites I have on my body, and I worked with a horrible flu that is still lingering and it appears that all my work has been in vain....but honestly I know that isn't true. The Lord is just trying my faith and trying to help me be a better person...this is something that He always will do. He will stretch us, mold us, pound us, shape us until we are the people He wants us to be. Yesterday after lunch I shared a thought with the irmã about Joseph Smith´s experience in liberty jail. I read the first part of D&C 121 for her and talked about the brutal and at the same time wonderful fact that the Lord will always gives us these hard times. An apostle (I forget who) said in conference a few years ago, `God in his wisdom shields no one from hardships´. After reading these verses for this irmã I talked about the Lord's response...Joseph..peace be unto thy soul, thine afflictions shall be but for a small moment and if thou endure it well God shalt exalt thee on high. When I read this scripture comfort came immediately to my soul...I felt the Lord saying to me Ariel, or Sister wood, have peace these things will pass, just endure them well. I'm trying my best not only to endure, but to endure these trials well. I know the Lord has not left me alone in this area, He never leaves us alone...He just gives us the things we need to be a better, holier people. are all continuing to do well Have the best week ever.